chi siamo
Company profile
Babel Jumper S.r.l. is a start-up company, established by Giano S.r.l.
Babel Jumper completed the design and the architecture of a new system that is now able to integrate its own documented and equipped technologies with laboratory prototypes.
Through an expert appraisal registered at the Court of Rome, Giano, conferred to Babel Jumper intangible assets such as know-how, industrial exploitation rights, copyrights and patent applications relating to the three technologies that the start-up put on the center of an ecosystem based on the production and share of knowledge.
It characterizes itself as as a company operating in the publishing field that:
- uses only information communication and technology (ICT)
- publishes and/or distributes only digital products
- operates on the basis of industrial process called “Bit’s Logical and Automatic Processing” (TLAB)
- distributes all the contents of any intellectual work, also in a fractional way, on the basis of marketable units represented by chapters of books of texts, treatises and manuals, single musical tracks etc.
guarantees to intellectual property owners (authors, publishers, performers etc.) the repetitive payment of their respective rights using verifiable and incontrovertible computation units