Entries by Redazione

The importance of Blockchain Technology

More than ten years after its birth, the blockchain is today an innovative technology that allows us to give new answers to many different needs of companies, organizations, citizens and consumers. For several years the knowledge and attention to the blockchain has been limited to the world of developers or in other ways to those […]

How technology will change the publishing industry in Italy

The publishing industry is going through an important moment of change triggered by the advent of digital technology. In the USA, in fact, the e-book is already a well-established reality, it was recently reported that even in the UK, in some web shops, the sale of digital books has surpassed that of books on paper. […]

Artificial intelligence for translations

Among the best-known online software there is Google Translate, which for 14 years (it was launched in 2006) has shown that “machines” are not yet able to perform translations from one language to another, like a real-life translator. Nothing to be surprised about: providing an automatic system with the grammatical rules of some languages and […]

Libraries in the past, present and future

Libraries have for millennia been the cultural institutions responsible for the preservation and enjoyment of the permanent collective memory, better known as writing, the documentary heritage of humanity. Since ancient times they represented the “databases” of our culture, allowing the classics of Greek, Latin and medieval literature to reach us. The important historical and cultural […]

L’intelligenza artificiale nelle traduzioni

Tra i software online più conosciuti c’è Google Translate che da ben 14 anni anni (è stato lanciato nel 2006) ha dimostrato che le “macchine” non sono ancora in grado di eseguire traduzioni da una lingua ad un altra, come un traduttore in carne ed ossa. Niente di cui stupirsi: fornire a un sistema automatico […]

Le biblioteche tra passato, presente e futuro

Le biblioteche per millenni sono state le istituzioni culturali deputate alla conservazione e alla fruizione della memoria collettiva permanente, meglio nota come scrittura, il patrimonio documentale dell’umanità. Sin dall’antichità sono state le “banche dati” della nostra cultura, permettendo che arrivassero fino a noi i classici della letteratura greca, latina e medievale. L’importante funzione storica e […]